Posts Tagged ‘button’

The Cycle Not Taken

May 6, 2010

I don’t use the permanent press cycle on the washer. It runs warm, but not normal and not delicate. Beyond that, I’m not sure what it does or how long it does it. I could find out; do some research (one of my favorite occupations). Something prevents me from pursuing this.

I prefer it to remain a mystery: the button unpressed.

There’s always one, isn’t there? On a dashboard full of buttons, switches and levers, there’s one you’re supposed to avoid. (Maybe I’ve seen too many movies.) Usually it’s under glass, maybe under lock and key, certainly an ominous—yet strangely irresistible—shade of red. The permanent press button is none of those things. It looks just like the others on the washing machine touch pad.

It’s tempting, I’ll admit. Yet I resist.

What could it do? How could it be different from the others? Someday I might find out, but for now I’m content with hot, warm and cold, and one option yet to be explored.